POLO Filter-Technik Bremen GmbH

Contact persons

Through our regional representatives at home and abroad, we offer the possibility of always having a contact person close to you. Whether it is to discuss a new requirement, whether it is advice on a different filter fleece or whether you simply want a competent contact person on site, our representatives will be happy to visit you.


Managing director
Lutz Funk-Dinglinger
+49 160 96953951
+49 421 2 38 02-11
Chief Commercial Officer
Frank Fülles
+49 421 23802-14

Project planning and technical consultancy

Planning of filters and filter systems
Andreas Horn
+49 421 2 38 02-20
Planning of filters and filter systems
Eugen Becker
+49 421 23802-22
Planning of filters and filter systems
Ewald Pufal
+49 421 23802-23

Technology and Service

Head of Engineering Office
Manfred Schwarzer
+49 163 2383214
+49 421 23802-50
Head of E-technology
Benno Lucka
+49 421 23802-60
Head of Services
Meik Kunze
+49 163 2383201
+49 421 23802-62

Sales and Purchasing

Head of After Sales / Sales / Purchasing
Oliver Restle
+49 421 23802-16